Lennie’s child-like acts showed that he had to stay with George, who is mature and responsible,  in order to survive like a normal man. He didn’t think enough before he started to do things, so one of George’s jobs was thinking for Lennie and stopping him if he was doing anything stupid. On the journey to their new workplace, Lennie gulped water straight from the river beside him because he was thirsty, not caring if the water was clean or not. George stopped him before he drank too much and checked the water condition. If Lennie was living on his own, he would drank as much as he would take and got sick. The most important role George had was to get Lennie out of troubles. In Weed, Lennie touched a girl’s dress but the girl squawked. Lennie was confused and all he could think of is to hold on tighter. George heard the screams and came to get Lennie off the girl. He found a hiding place and hid in there with Lennie. If George wasn’t near Lennie, he would not know what to do and got beat up by other people. George was Lennie’s second brain and only troubleshooter, Lennie could not survive without him.
Ms. D
10/18/2013 02:56:58 am

This is well written. I would only suggest that you try to intersperse your analysis with your facts so it doesn't read like a plot summary. Good job.


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